Thank you for supporting the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center! Your generous donation helps us expand our vision and offer more classes and resources to study and apply the principles of A Course in Miracles. We appreciate your contribution through PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or by mailing a check to Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, 1939 S Monroe St, Denver, CO 80210. Together, we can continue our journey towards inner peace and enlightenment.
Please be aware that contributions to Rocky Mountain Miracle Center may appear on your bank statement as Divine Science Church of Truth, the legal name of our nonprofit spiritual center.
Roof Replacement Fundraiser

A recent professional assessment has indicated that it's time to replace the Center's roof. Although there are currently no leaks, taking proactive steps now will ensure our building remains a secure and welcoming space for our community's spiritual activities.
In the spirit of A Course in Miracles, we are reminded that 'We are sustained by the Love of God.' This belief guides us as we undertake this necessary maintenance, confident in the strength and generosity of our community.
We are thankful to share that a generous donor has already contributed $5,000 towards this fund. The insurance company has approved the claim and our deductible will be approximately $17,500.
We invite each of you to join this collective effort by considering an additional gift towards the roof replacement. This contribution will be in addition to your regular offerings, which continue to support the Center's essential operations and enriching programs.
Donate with Venmo
Last 4: 1364
Give While Grocery Shopping
Another wonderful way to contribute is by linking your King Soopers or City Market rewards card to our organization through their Community Rewards program. It’s easy to set up and allows a portion of your purchases to support our center at no additional cost to you.
To get started, sign in to your digital account on the King Soopers or City Market website. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one. Once signed in, navigate to the "Community Rewards" section under your account settings. Search for our organization using the name "UY540 - Divine Science Church of Truth" and select it. After saving your selection, every time you use your rewards card when shopping, a donation will be made to our center.
For more detailed instructions on enrolling in the Community Rewards program, you can visit the King Soopers Community Rewards page or email KingSoopersCommunityRewards@kingsoopers.com.